Thursday, September 3, 2009

Spray Paint Collective auction now closed.

The Art Auction for The Boys and Girls Club has come to an end and we are pleased with the results. The Boys and Girls Club North Vancouver is our charity of choice and we always look forward to lending them a hand any which way we can! It is a worthwhile cause that helps support our community and it’s future. We are looking forward to next year's collaboration!! Thank you for your support, we thank you and The Boys and Girls Club also thanks you.

We would like to thank the artists for their support....Jayleen Weaver, Marina Mikulic, Dave McGhee, Heather Briggs, Kalli Niedoba and Silas Borsos. We would also like to extend a huge hug and thank you to Pryce at RDS Skate Supply for planning and executing the block party, Ann at Opus Framing and Art for donating the supplies, Crissy at Think Pretty for the Blog design, and to Ebay for their support.

Please look forward to our next presentation of paintings by North Shore local, Marina Mikulic. Her solo show will run from September 7th thru October 31st.

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